#General enquiries
General enquiries
For information on Suncorp Group insurance products
Share Registry
- MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, a division of MUFG Pension & Markets Services
- PO Box A50 Sydney South NSW 1235
- 1300 882 012 (within Australia)
- +61 2 8767 1219 (outside Australia)
- suncorp@cm.mpms.mufg.com
- https://au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com/
#Investor enquiries
Investor enquiries
You may have a question that can be answered by our Frequently Asked Questions. Alternatively, please contact Suncorp Investor Relations. Please ensure that you read both the Securityholder Privacy Statement and the Suncorp Privacy Policy before emailing us. By sending an email we may collect personal information from you.
Manage your shareholding
If you are a Suncorp shareholder you can update your address and bank details, view your holding balance and dividend statements, provide your tax file number and sign up as an electronic shareholder at MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, a division of MUFG Pension & Markets Services. For any general administrative questions regarding your holding please contact the Share Registry.
#Other enquiries
Service of legal documents
Suncorp Group companies will accept service of legal documents (including subpoenas, writs and garnishee orders) in person at its Registered Office or via post or email (details of which appear below).
Please note the general minimum amount for Conduct Money is $50 payable via cheque.
- Registered Office, Level 23
80 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 - The Proper Officer, Court Process Desk,
[name of the Suncorp Group company being served],
GPO Box 1453, Brisbane Qld 4001 - CourtProcessDesk@suncorp.com.au
ASIC Protocol reference checks
If you need a reference check as set out in the ASIC Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol (ASIC Protocol), please contact us on the below details.
Please include a copy of the prospective representative's completed consent form with your reference request submission.