Suncorp accelerates student learning
Suncorp has donated three late-model, written-off cars for students at TAFE NSW Glendale, giving them hands on smash repair experience as they work towards their automotive qualifications.

Suncorp Executive Manager, Assessing & Repair Performance, Brett Wallace said the donation of the cars is Suncorp’s way of helping the training and development of the automotive technicians of the future.
“Suncorp is a proud supporter of automotive training for apprentices and is pleased to donate these damaged vehicles to TAFE NSW Glendale.
“We know this is the best way to tackle one of the major challenges facing the motor vehicle repair industry – reaching, engaging and developing skilled apprentices of the future. Our support of this latest industry initiative, in partnership with TAFE NSW and Australian Association of Progressive Repairers (AAPR), will further assist in educating today’s apprentices to become tomorrow’s technicians.”
The cars will be used by apprentices, pre-apprentices and high school students studying automotive repair and maintenance, panel beating and vehicle painting to get hands on experience, learn their craft and hone their skills.
According to the latest TAFE NSW research*, ‘motor mechanic’ is the occupation expected to experience the largest employment growth in the NSW Automotive Trades and Services industry over the three years to 2021.
AAPR CEO Greg Preston said, “One of AAPR’s major goals, via its Auto Skills Jobs Site program, is to assist with securing our future workforce of tomorrow. Another major goal, via our Auto Industry Team program, is to seek out key industry stakeholders to assist with continuously developing the knowledge base of today’s automotive apprentices and technicians.”
“We are very grateful to TAFE NSW for their support and being a part of this project, and especially to Suncorp for its ongoing support and commitment to the automotive repair industry by providing these vehicles to increase the knowledge base and technical expertise of automotive apprentices at TAFE NSW Glendale.”
*Research conducted by TAFE NSW Strategy in September 2018 using the Burning Glass Technologies’ Labour Insight™ Real-time Labour Market Information tool and Deloitte Access Economics Forecasts.