The 2022 AAMI Crash Index analysed more than 350,000 motor insurance claims across Australia to reach its conclusive list of the top crash hot spots in each capital city.
AAMI has been releasing road accident and collision data for 28 years. While many states regularly see the same locations popping up on their respective 'worst crash site' lists - in 2022, AAMI saw some surprising new additions to some states' lists.
Topping Adelaide's list this year is Prospect Road in Prospect, while Gympie Road in Chermside topped Brisbane's ranks. Both locations are new to the AAMI Crash Index's leaderboard, alongside Canberra, Darwin and Hobart, who also welcomed new leaders to the top of their ranks.
This year’s Index unfortunately saw some of the biggest moves up the ‘leaderboard’ that have ever been recorded in AAMI’s 28-year history of the Crash Index – with the number one hot spots in both Adelaide and Darwin coming from outside the top ten in 2021 and Hobart’s Davey Street climbing seven spots to take out the unwanted title of ‘worst crash hot spot’ in Tasmania's capital city.
It won't be surprising to Sydneysiders that the Hume Highway in Liverpool maintained the title for Sydney's worst crash hot spot, alongside Melbourne's Plenty Road in Bundoora and Perth's Albany Highway in Cannington. All three locations have stayed in their unfortunate top-ranking spots since the 2021 Crash Index report.

AAMI data also identified that afternoons were prime time for road accidents, coinciding with many states' school zone periods
While each state’s hot spots had its unique nuances, challenges and factors contributing to it taking out the number one crash spot, AAMI’s Head of Motor Claims Anna Cartwright said there was a common thread.
“We see that a majority of the top hot spots identified are highways or busy major arterial roads, that intersect with local streets through high traffic industrial, educational and shopping precincts, meaning they are consistently busy throughout the day,” Ms Cartwright said.
Anna Cartwright, AAMI's Head of Motor Claims
Most risks on the road can be mitigated if people pay attention and drive to the conditions.

AAMI's data also identified that nose-to-tail style collisions were the most common type of crash at almost all hot spots. The data also reveals afternoons - between 1 and 4.30pm - as the most common time for accidents, with almost one-third of accidents occurring during this timeframe.
One positive result from the 2022 report is the incidence of collisions at Plenty Rd Bundoora, which over the past five years, has steadily declined.
AAMI is pleased to see that after many years of collisions in this location, the Victorian Government implemented a speed reduction trial, which led to a now permanent change.
We know that speed is undoubtedly a key factor, and by sharing data insights with the Victorian Government, we’re thrilled that the trial has resulted in a permanent lowering of the speed limit from 80km/h to 70km/h. We hope the reduction in speed will continue to reduce crashes and finally knock Plenty Road Bundoora off the top of our hot spot list.
AAMI has been tackling road safety head-on by revealing where accidents most commonly occur across Australia since 1994, to highlight to motorists the importance of driving safely and being extra vigilant, particularly at identified locations.
“All it takes is a split second of not having your eyes on the road, for you to miss one Stop or Give Way sign or for you to divert your attention to something other than the task at hand, for things to go wrong,” Ms Cartwright said.