AAMI: Response to NSW Roads Minister’s proposal for L Platers Safe Driving Course



Leading national insurer AAMI supports the investigation of the NSW Roads Minister’s proposal into the establishment of a safe driving course for Learner Drivers.

AAMI Skilled Drivers program manager, Tony Barber said “AAMI supports any program which makes the roads a safer place for all drivers and other road users. With the right focus, this initiative has the potential to complement existing licensing requirements for learners and recognises the importance of practical experience on the roads.

“AAMI has run its Skilled Drivers program for P-plate drivers for 30 years. Over that time we have seen the benefits of the course for new drivers and have recognised the importance of this practical training with participants receiving discounted car insurance premiums. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can develop a world-leading course to make NSW roads even safer.”

AAMI’s latest research indicates that 71% of drivers aged 18-24 think that it should be compulsory for all young drivers to do a safe driving course.

For more information or to arrange an interview or grabs, please contact:

David Skapinker Corporate Affairs 0467 801 922 David.Skapinker@suncorp.com.au

Belinda Humphries Corporate Affairs 0467 745 995 Belinda.Humphries@suncorp.com.au

About AAMI AAMI is a leading national car insurer, recognised as an industry innovator providing award-winning products and customer service. AAMI has become synonymous with road safety and invests in both customer and academic research around unsafe driving behaviours, as well as rewarding customers through benefits like Safe Driver Rewards. Australian Associated Motor Insurers Ltd (AAMI), ABN 92 004 791 744.

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