All Queenslander drivers deserve to be protected


Recently Suncorp presented to the ReThink CTP Citizen Jury to propose changes to the State’s scheme to ensure all Queenslanders are protected on the roads.


For many years, Suncorp has been a strong advocate for reform to the CTP scheme to ensure that all those injured in a motor vehicle are covered, which is not the case under the current scheme.  

ReThink CTP has engaged a group of Queensland motorists, who pay for and benefit from the scheme, to investigate and review if it is working. Suncorp will be presenting to the 50-person Citizen Jury to share its experience. 

Suncorp’s Executive Manager for Queensland CTP Dan Wilkinson said Queensland was increasingly lagging others which had already reformed their schemes to benefit all motorists.

“We need to address the unfairness and inequities that sees 40 per cent of Queenslanders involved in a motor vehicle accident not eligible to make a CTP claim,” Mr Wilkinson said.

“Every day our team works to support injured Queensland motorists, so we know first-hand the positive impact a “no-fault” rule would have.

“If you are injured, we also back the introduction of a set of defined benefits, so people will have access to early and appropriate treatment.”  

Under a no-fault, defined benefits scheme, the focus is on rehabilitation, not confrontation and lump sum payments for small injuries, while providing care, treatment and lost income as required.

Finally, Suncorp will also share its recommendation to promote full transparency of all scheme costs. 

“Queenslanders pay their CTP premiums every year and should know where their money goes. Currently only insurers are required to show a full costs breakdown, but we believe this should be expanded to all parties involved, including lawyers.”

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