Honouring our SES volunteers this Wear Orange Wednesday
On Wednesday, May 19th, Suncorp celebrated Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day); a time for our communities to celebrate and thank the thousands of selfless SES volunteers around the country.

Every year celebrations for Wear Orange Wednesday are held Australia-wide, highlighting the tireless work of Australia’s SES volunteers. 2021 holds particular meaning in the aftermath of not only the devastating East Coast flood events in early 2021, but as the global community still grapples with the effects of COVID-19, making the dangerous work of SES volunteers even more challenging.
This year, AAMI celebrates 18 years supporting the Victorian State Emergency Service (VICSES). To celebrate the milestone, Melbourne’s AAMI Park and Rod Laver Arena were lit up orange to mark the occasion. With Suncorp having announced in 2020 its partnership with Queensland State Emergency Service (QLD SES), Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium also flipped the switch, lighting up the river city’s skyline the familiar orange hue.
Cath Stewart, Suncorp’s Head of Disaster Response & Events Claims highlighted the importance of Wear Orange Wednesday, and how our partnerships with the SES are supporting our communities.
“As one of Australia’s largest insurers, Suncorp Group knows how important it is for households and communities to be prepared, as the immediate and long-lasting effects of natural disasters on individuals, families and communities can be devastating. That’s why we’re incredibly proud of our partnerships with the QLD SES and VICSES,” Ms Stewart said.

Cath Stewart, Suncorp’s Head of Disaster Response & Events Claims
Wear Orange Wednesday is an opportunity, not only to recognise the important work of the SES but to give our thanks as a community for the unwavering dedication of every SES volunteer.

Suncorp staff also got in on the action with a company-wide competition, dressing offices, work-from-home stations – even pets – in orange to mark the occasion. Value Specialist at Suncorp and SES Volunteer for the South-East Qld, Logan Unit, Jacqui Schloman lead the celebrations at our Carindale Hub in Brisbane’s south, bringing in her SES unit to provide equipment demonstrations taking place throughout the day.

Jacqui Schloman, Suncorp Value Specialist and SES Volunteer
WOW day for me was a way of showing my colleagues a small snippet of what I do when I step into my orange uniform.
"They all know I have a passion for my work and a strong commitment to my community," said Jacqui, "so it was a fun way to see if they have what it takes to be a SES Volunteer. The demonstrations also helped to demonstrate the skillset and confidence SES volunteers acquire through their training, how we put those skills into action, and how we work as a team when tasked with a job".
Our partnership with the VICSES and QLD SES builds on our commitment to building both community and natural hazard resilience, through donations of vital equipment for SES volunteers, the rollout of community engagement and education, and promoting volunteering across Victoria and Queensland.
“Our partnership with Suncorp is a truly valuable relationship for Queensland SES”, said Assistant Commissioner, Andrew Short. “The equipment provided through the sponsorship supports our volunteers directly and in their engagement with the community to spread the message about being prepared for severe weather and other emergency events. The opportunities for us to work together means that our volunteers see the benefit of highly valued items that makes their job just a bit easier. We’re very thankful for Suncorp’s support.”