It is devastating to see the effects fraud and scams can have on victims. We know the latest impersonation scam has affected some Suncorp Bank customers.
This scam is also known as ‘spoofing’ and involves predators impersonating the phone number of legitimate businesses in both SMS and voice calls.
Scammers are currently using this technique to target Suncorp Bank customers. They do this as a way to gain a victim’s trust and pressure their victims to move funds to other banks.
Suncorp Bank customers should be alert to receiving messages or calls claiming to be from Suncorp Bank, asking them to transfer money or share other information like passwords.

Suncorp Bank will never ask a customer to share their passwords, including one-time passwords and pins. Any unsolicited contact requesting personal information, access to online banking, or taking an action, such as sending money to another bank, should be ignored, and reported to us on 13 11 55.
If a customer authorises payments to another bank and believes they are the victim of a scam, they should immediately report the transactions to Suncorp Bank.
As soon as we become aware a customer may have fallen victim to a scam, our fraud and investigation team will attempt to retrieve the funds.
Our process is designed to be recovery focused and we prioritise contacting the other bank, to which the payments were sent. We know scammers shift funds quickly and we work quickly to ensure any funds that can be recovered, are secured at the other bank.
Whilst we do take steps to recover funds that have been moved to other banks, due to the nature, speed, and sophistication of scams, this is not always possible.
If a Suncorp Bank customer is the victim of a scam, we have a range of support services available, including our Customer Advocate, Customer Vulnerability Hub and we partner with ID Care to ensure vulnerable persons are supported under these incredibly difficult circumstances.
Suncorp Bank’s systems have not been compromised. We will never ask for your personal details or ask you to transfer money. Unfortunately, scammers tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and we all need to be vigilant against this issue in our community.
If you have received an email, SMS or other request that you have identified as potentially fraudulent or a scam account, please send this through to us, before deleting it from your inbox and deleted items on your device.
Forward a copy to fraud@suncorp.com.au