Suncorp awarded Employer of Choice for Gender Equality for sixth consecutive year



Suncorp awarded Employer of Choice for Gender Equality for sixth consecutive year

Suncorp has been recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for the sixth year in a row.

This citation recognises Suncorp’s focus on being an industry leader in workplace gender equality and promoting an inclusive culture across the business.

Suncorp has achieved great progress towards gender balance with 50% of the Board, Senior Leadership Team and all leader roles now held by women.

Suncorp CEO and Managing Director Michael Cameron, a WGEA Pay Equity Ambassador, said the recognition reflected Suncorp’s commitment to having an inclusive and diverse workplace.

“This is an important acknowledgement of our commitment to embed equality across the business, through inclusive workplace policies and practices,” Mr Cameron said.

“We recognise that we will be our best when our workforce is as diverse, talented and passionate as the communities in which we operate. We have achieved gender balance across our leader roles, and we continue to embed equality for all genders throughout the organisation.”

To achieve the citation, Suncorp was assessed on a number of areas including gender remuneration gaps, discrimination, targets for improving gender equality outcomes and flexible working opportunities.

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