Suncorp’s environmental performance improvements gain global recognition
Suncorp is now proud to be included among the world’s top-performing companies when it comes to sustainability.

Last month, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index rated Suncorp in the top 15% of the insurance industry. And in further good news, CDP, a leading global environmental disclosure platform, has scored Suncorp Group A- for the Group’s climate-related disclosures.
This CDP score is a significant improvement on previous years and reflects the Group’s progress against Suncorp’s Climate Change Action Plan, which was updated in September this year.
Suncorp Group’s Chief Financial Officer Jeremy Robson explained that disclosing environmental data to CDP gives the Group an opportunity to be assessed on climate action and serves as a useful benchmark against peers.
“Climate change disclosure is a critical first step to prepare for and manage climate-related risks and opportunities," Mr Robson said.
“We will continue to drive transparency around our progress and performance on climate action so our customers, investors and our people are well informed as we navigate the global transition to net zero.
“We’re proud to receive the feedback that our efforts are a step in the right direction. Environmental transparency & disclosure is crucial to secure a sustainable future."
Suncorp Group’s CDP submission is available here.
#Our achievements so far
Our purpose of building futures and protecting what matters is at the core of our response to the challenge of climate change.