At Suncorp, we recognise Equal Pay Day to help raise awareness of the gender pay gap and the importance of pay equity. In 2020, Equal Pay Day highlights that an Australian woman, on average, needs to work an additional 59 days each year to earn the same as a man in one year.
Steve Johnston, Suncorp’s Group CEO and Managing Director, is committed to achieving pay equity and gender equality at Suncorp.
"I am pleased that Suncorp has achieved gender balance across all leadership roles," Mr Johnston said.
"Females represent 50.8 per cent of all leaders at Suncorp and we have maintained at least 50 per cent representation since 2017. Additionally, 40 per cent of Suncorp’s Non-Executive Directors are female, and Suncorp’s Board is led by Christine McLoughlin.
"Suncorp remains committed to achieving pay equity, gender equality and offering equal access to development, promotion and pay to all our people. In support of pay equity, Suncorp carries out biannual gender pay equity reviews to correct instances of genuine pay inequity in like-for-like roles and has recently introduced a target to reduce the gender gap by five percentage points over the next five years."
Pay equity is only one aspect of Suncorp’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan. Suncorp continues to take great pride in being an industry leader for workplace gender equality. This is demonstrated through our workplace practice and policies including recruitment, development, retention, flexible working, remuneration strategies, and promoting an inclusive culture across the business. In 2019-20, Suncorp was recognised as Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency for the seventh consecutive year.