Employee Safety and Wellbeing

Employee safety and wellbeing

The safety and wellbeing of our people is a critical focus for Suncorp as we strive for a workplace free from preventable injury or illness.

#Creating the environment for people to thrive

Suncorp’s ability to attract and retain great people comes down to creating the environment for our people to be at their best. Our business is built around exceptional people empowered to make a difference every day. This includes supporting individual growth, re-defining flexibility and driving continuous improvement. Training and development opportunities are extensive and designed to ensure everyone receives a balance of professional, technical and on-the-job learning.

#Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Suncorp Group promotes a healthy, safe and inclusive culture and work environment, creating the environment for our people to thrive and deliver great outcomes for our customers and the communities in which we operate.  

Our Safety and Wellbeing Policy guides the way we do this, protecting our people from harm, responding in the moments that matter, and promoting wellbeing.  

Risk management 

Risk management is core to how we protect our people’s physical and psychological wellbeing. Through our safety management system, we identify, assess and control risks related to physical and psychological safety and wellbeing. This means we work together to: 

1. Identify potential safety issues that could cause harm. 

2. Assess those risks to understand the nature of the harm and likelihood. 

3. Control the risks to prevent safety issues impacting our people. 

4. Review those control measures to ensure they are effective. 

Suncorp Group’s Hazard & Risk Management Standard outlines clear guidance for all leaders, employees and other workers on our requirements and expectations for consultative safety risk management at Suncorp. This includes everyday management of risk, formal risk and hazard management processes, and periodic deep dives into employee experience of key risks through focus groups and co-design of solutions. 

Core to our business is being prepared. This is why we also train all our people in what do to in the event of an emergency, annually (or more often for specialised roles), and provide clear guidance within our Emergency Management Standard.  

Through SafetyCentre, Suncorp’s safety incident reporting tool, our people are encouraged to report safety and wellbeing concerns. Leaders and other support teams are notified of safety and wellbeing issues and take action as required, with clear guidance set out in our Safety Issue Management Standard. 

In consultation with the Board, Suncorp establishes measurable safety and wellbeing objectives, targets and reporting requirements designed to control risk, empower ownership and support due diligence.

Controls are regularly reviewed to evaluate our effectiveness in protecting our people from safety and wellbeing risks in the work that they do. Internal inspections are carried out to monitor and measure the effectiveness of our safety management system, and periodic independent audits are also conducted.  


At Suncorp Group, we understand the wellbeing of our people is critical to our success. That’s why we’re committed to creating the environment for our people to thrive.  

Some ways we do this is by offering individual wellbeing coaching services with independent professionals. This includes access to nutritional and financial coaching and introductory legal advice, as well as psychological counselling, available for employees and their immediate family members. 

We’ve also put wellbeing into the hands of our people, anywhere, anytime through promotion of wellbeing resources and free access to apps from our EAP partners.  

Another example is our partnership with the Black Dog Institute, launched in 2023. This partnership provides leaders and employees with evidence-based mental health training to support a mentally healthy workplace. 

For more information, check out our employee benefits.

Disability and accessibility 

At all times, we ensure access and support for our people with a disability and proactively work with them to build an understanding of their needs. We offer features like flexible working arrangements, smart workplace design and access to assistive technology, tailored to the individual needs of our people with a disability. Our people can request a workplace adjustment at any time during their employment with Suncorp Group, including when applying for a position.

We understand that an accessible environment benefits everyone, including our people and our customers. We offer training to our people to promote a disability inclusive culture, improve awareness and remove barriers to accessibility. Suncorp Group is a proud member organisation of the Australian Disability Network.  

#Parental and carer leave

In FY21, Suncorp announced the first phase of enhancements to its parental leave policy to strengthen the support and flexibility available to working and prospective parents.

These changes are a key element of the Suncorp's diversity and inclusion strategy and focus on improving gender equality. As a larger employer, we need to support parents to transition back to work when they’re ready. This not only helps our people to enjoy each stage of their life, but will also build a more diverse and inclusive culture for our business. Further enhancements to the policy are planned for FY22. 

In FY21, Suncorp became the first national organisation in Australia to achieve the ‘Carers + Employers’ carer friendly workplace accreditation.

#Domestic and Family Violence Leave

In 2018 we introduced new paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave so all Australian and New Zealand employees, including those supporting a person experiencing domestic or family violence, have access to 10 days additional paid leave (pro-rata for part-time and casual employees).

#Employee learning and development

We provide a range of opportunities to support our people’s current and future needs, and provide extensive training to elevate them professionally and personally. Our internal training has been designed to ensure everyone receives the right balance of professional, technical and on-the-job learning.

Our Online Learning Space provides access to a broad range of tools, resources, programs and support, including compliance training, marketplace learning, Moody’s Analytics training, leadership courses, essential business skills training, study support, and other development. Our people are also encouraged to pursue external learning opportunities, and are given time off and financial support to attend training, workshops and courses.

Using interactive technology, we are fundamentally changing the way we learn, problem solve and develop our capabilities. Suncorp has implemented a new social learning platform, Cognita, that will change how our workforce learns, adapts and grows. It is a significant investment in our people and their capabilities, and it recognises the power of the individual to take control of their learning and their career.