Suncorp lights up the dawn this ANZAC Day
Suncorp people around Australia and New Zealand will stand on their driveways, balconies and living rooms to commemorate those who have served and sacrificed this ANZAC Day.

Supporting the Returned and Services League (RSL) Light up the Dawn campaign, our people are proving that a little ingenuity is all it takes to continue honouring the ANZAC spirit while social distancing.
We spoke with our people from our Veterans, Reserves and Defence Families Employee Resource Group, who share what ANZAC Day means for them.

Davor Strbac
Delivery Manager Physical Security
“ANZAC Day is a day of mixed emotion and deep reflection for me. I served in the Australian Army for eight years as a specialist soldier working in a classified intelligence and communications role. My own life prior to arriving in Australia in 1998 took me through a lot hardship and suffering, having been through a war and being displaced as a refugee.
“Going through these experiences taught me one thing – resilience.
“With the challenges we’re facing at the moment, individually and as a nation, the thought of the ANZACs gives us strength and resilience to help us overcome this difficult moment.
“But it also reminds us of the hardship, struggle and sacrifice the ANZACs endured.
“After all: they were just ordinary Australians facing extraordinary challenges, with resilience and bravery, many making the ultimate sacrifice.
“For that, they deserve to be remembered this year and for all the years to come.”
Davor is the Vice Chair of the Veterans, Reservists and Defence Families Employee Resource Group

Nicole Revell
Relationship and Delivery Manager
“ANZAC Day is an opportunity for me to reflect on my husband’s service, the places he has been deployed around the world, and the sacrifices we have made as a family to support his service in the Australian Army.
“Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we will not be able to attend our local ANZAC Day service. This year, as a family, we will spend time at the end of our driveway talking about the importance of ANZAC Day and reflecting on the significant contributions made by many men and women who have served our country.
“This time last year, my husband was deployed to Afghanistan for ten months. We believe it is important that our boys spend at least one day a year reflecting on what our current and past service men and women have done to allow them to live in this beautiful country of ours."